Welcome to NIN Verification System
A PHP script for for connecting with NIN system, Verification data, printing of Slip, regular and premium Slip
Develope by : Shuraih Usman - 08140419490, shuraihusman@gmail.com
- PHP Version 7.4 to 8.3
- SQLite3 Extension
How to use
- Visit https://mgtech.com.ng/
- Create account with them
- Login and navigate to Documentation page
- Copy Your API KEY
- Fund your wallet
- replace your API KEY in your script path/include/init.php API_KEY constant
- Print Regular NIN Slip
- Print Standard NIN Slip
- Print Premium NIN Slip
- Simple and Clean UI
- Stores NIN details in database
- Log files
Log FIles
You can view Log in script_path/Log
Special thanks to Yunusa Musa Gambo for his dedication, guidance and resource providing for the whole project.